The whole thing about inheritances is that they increase. Investments are made and the small offering of one man can become a fortune for his children. Its all rather confusing to me, the facts and figures, but I do know that one way or another money begets money if it is invested wisely. And likewise, I know that when you plant one something in the ground, it produces the seeds for hundreds of somethings. It is a concept so close to the Fathers heart. He dreamed it up. He speaks of it relentlessly. It points to His kingdom. He just really likes for things to increase, and he likes to give things away that we have neither earned, nor do we deserve. Its topsy-turvy, upside-down, and completely, dazzlingly wonderful.
And I am lucky enough to have gotten a real live taste of this on earth, a dad who's love still baffles me by its undeserved unconditional-ness. A dad who would drop everything to look for my missing sock and whistle about it while I raged about the house like a thunder storm. A dad who took great pleasure in saving everything to take us on extravagant, adventurous vacations when in everyday life we didn't have two nickels to to rub together. A dad who was patient and present. A dad who has fathered not only me and my three brothers, but hundreds and hundreds of the most dejected and outcast of this world. A dad who for no apparent reason was proud to have me as a daughter. (And trust me, there were years when there was absolutely no apparent reason.)
But back to inheritance: What my (formerly) hippy, buddhist dad invested one summer evening while driving through the fields of Vermont was himself, into the heart Jesus. A flock of birds took off with it to the heavens and there it lives, gaining significant interest daily. And here I am, the beneficiary, rich beyond my wildest dreams, swimming around in an absolutely limitless fortune. My earthly treasures may be meager, but I have inherited the entire Kingdom of Heaven, and this is more real to me than the very ground I stand on. So, I think its pretty safe to say that I don't need no trust fund. I believe this will do just fine. Thanks dad. And by the grace of God I will invest it as generously, selflessly, and creatively as you have, and my children will run positively wild with the freedom.
Happy Fathers Day! I love you!
"I, however, followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly. So on that day Moses swore to me, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God wholeheartedly." Joshua 14:8-9
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